Cumbat.Studio is a design showcase for combined erotic interest on fictional weaponry and male genitalia. All concepts and visualizations (C) Wu Yiming.
Prints/rights inquiries: master@cumbat.studio
Wu Yiming (b.1997)
Yiming is a amateur hobby artist who has a variety of focuses on art, crafting and programming. Cumbat.Studio is one of the aspect of his work. Yiming lives in China.
"I've always felt the incredible blood rush when I was handling a toy gun. The plastic finish is magical, paired with the tactile and auditory feedback, makes extraordinarily unique sensational experiences unlike anything else..."
"The connection is always there since I could remember. However, it took a long time for me before any conscious realization was made. Why there's virtually no direct and explicit expression on this very subject matter in popular culture? Or at least some form of it. I decided to take the matter in my own hands and realize my vision."
Non-fetish Works